(250) 891-3027 PureRAWdnd@gmail.com

Greetings, Denizens!

The Griffons Den is going through an exciting growth phase! 🙂 As a result we have several topics to cover with this update:


Two weeks ago I launched our 8th weekly campaign time-slot on Saturday Afternoons after all seven of our other campaigns filled up, with two more people on waitlists. Within a week the Saturday afternoon campaign was full at 8 players! I am now about to launch our 9th weekly campaign on Saturday nights from 6 – 9 pm, and I already have two players in it. This feels very much like we are hitting the knee of an exponential growth curve, with new players wanting to join every couple of days. I am now rushing to expand capacity to accommodate the growing demand.


As a consequence of this rapid growth the D&D campaigns have now pushed out the escape room from the weekend time slots. Effective immediately I will be opening the second room for use in running D&D or other TTRPG systems in parallel, with potentially both rooms running games simultaneously.

All players, please be aware that the potential exists for a second group to start up beside you in the other room. It will be a bit of an experiment at first as we work out the optimal logistics, especially for timing arrivals and endings so they don’t disrupt the other room. We will schedule the start of sessions to occur simultaneously, in hopes that that will keep disruptions to a minimum.


In addition to the new 5e campaigns we are also adding other, very different Table-Top Role Playing Games (TTRPGs). Now open for joining we have:
1. Call of Cthulhu 7e: Monday Nights 6:00-9:00 PM
2. Pathfinder 2.0: Tuesday Nights 6:00-9:00 PM
2. Starfinder 2.0: Wednesday Nights 6:00-9:00 PM



The Griffons Den will now be hosting a variety of One-Shot adventures on Friday nights. Each event will be a stand-alone adventure, like a “Pick-Up Game” in hockey or WoW. Games may include a wide range of options, including regular 5e D&D one-shots, D&D battle royale, Big Bad Boss Fights and other TTRPGs such as Pathfinder, Starfinder or Call of Cthulhu. No membership or long-term, weekly commitment is required for these sessions. This format is ideal for:

  • beginners wanting to try it out before committing to one of our weekly long-term campaigns
  • shift-workers and others who have weird or irregular schedules that make weekly campaigns difficult
    trying out different TTRPG systems
  • playing unorthodox D&D session formats, such as solo and team battle royale (Hunger Games style!) or stand-alone boss fights against iconic D&D enemies
  • DM workshops for those interested in trying their hand at running their own games
  • Register for each event separately, for as many or as few as you like. Sessions will typically start at 6 PM on Fridays and run 3-4+ hours. Seats fill on a first-pay-first-serve basis, so register as early as possible or you might miss out.

Our first Friday One-Shot is tomorrow….


Call of Cthulhu: The Lightless Beacon
6:00 – 9ish PM | ADULT CoC One-Shot

Try out the classic Lovecraftian TTRPG Call of Cthulhu, a game of mystery, investigation and cosmic horror set in the 1920s. In this 3-hour one-shot scenario, you and fellow investigators must survive a shipwreck and discover the truth behind the beacon’s sudden darkness. This system uses simple percentile rolls (d%), emphasizing problem-solving, roleplaying, and horror. Will you solve the mystery, or will madness claim you before the end?

What to bring: a pencil, and at least x3 d% plus regular dice. All other materials including pre-generated characters will be provided.
Registration Fee: $25 for Griffon Den Members, $30 for Non-Members

Please note, this is NOT A DROP-IN GAME. You MUST register and pay in advance. PLEASE REGISTER HERE:


Arrive on-time or shortly before the start of your session. Players should arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to their session start time. Players arriving earlier will be sent away or will find the door locked.


All Griffons Den games are professionally run and all games are now hitting maximum capacity of 8 players. With such large groups, side conversations that interrupt play or interfere with the DM or other players will not be tolerated.


If side conversations interrupt play the players will be warned. If the conversations still continue the players will be suspended. If side conversations STILL continue the player will be permanently banned from the club.


We are now at work designing a custom gaming table for the main D&D room! The goal is to get rid of the folding tables and their annoying legs & braces that bang our knees and get in the way. With some luck it will arrive soon!


The Griffons Den website has now be built out, with the addition of an entire page devoted to D&D miniature trading. If you are someone you know collects D&D minis, or is getting rid of minis, please send them to our Trading Post page here: https://griffonsden.com/the-trading-post/


With the opening of our second room we are now able to offer two campaigns instead of one during each time-slot. Our weekends in the main room are already mostly full, so we are looking for additional DMs to run campaigns on the weekend in that second room. If you have DM experience, if you know the 5e rules well and you are interested in DMing please let me know.


Additionally we are now able to resume DM workshops from where we left off before the holidays. If you are interested in attending DM workshops please message me at PureRAWdnd@gmail.com.